Platform Engineering

We design and develop business-driven IT solutions

Platform Engineering refers to the process of designing, developing and maintaining the underlying infrastructure and tools that enable the smooth operation of software applications. It focuses on creating scalable, reliable, and efficient platforms that support the development, deployment, and management of applications across different environments.

Platform Engineering involves a combination of skills from Software Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering, and DevOps. Its main goal is to enable faster delivery of software applications and services, as well as to increase agility and flexibility in response to changing business needs. By providing a solid foundation for development teams to build upon, Platform Engineering can help organizations innovate faster and stay ahead of the competition.


DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) to foster collaboration, automation, and continuous delivery. It aims to shorten development cycles, increase deployment frequency, and ensure more reliable software releases through close collaboration between development teams and operations teams. DevOps enables enterprises to simultaneously improve organizational performance, achieve the goals of all the various functional technology roles and improve the human condition.


DevOps Readiness Assessment & Strategic Consultancy

Software Development LifeCycle Automation

Production Management - Cluster Management & Orchestration

  • Service Mesh
  • Deployment Strategy
  • Automated Declarative Pipelines

Applications & Infrastructures Observability & Telemetry

Applications & Infrastructures Monitoring & Logging

Architetture Self-Healing e Anti-Fragile

  • Remediation Automation
  • Failure prediction (Augmented SRE)
  • Chaos Engineering (Embrace the failure)
  • Infrastructure-as-code

Networking, Infrastructures & Data Security

  • Zero Trust
  • Software Defined Parameters
  • Data Obfuscation & Masking
  • Network as code
  • Policies as code

Our Approach

We advocate Cloud native computing as the approach in software development that utilizes cloud computing to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments – such as public, private, and hybrid clouds.
Technologies such as containers, microservices, serverless functions and immutable infrastructure deployed via declarative code are common elements of our architectural style.


From our point of view, choosing anti-fragile concepts is a rational choice when it comes to cloud computing. It requires a completely new attitude of viewing failure. In fact, fault tolerant systems often lead to long delivery cycles and a high degree of complexity which raise the likelihood of failure and create fragile systems.

Chaos Engineering

Faults are inevitable, regardless of how extensively you test the software before deploying it. That’s why we endorse Chaos Engineering as the practice of injecting faults into a system before they occur naturally. By embracing this approach, we ensure that constantly evolving systems attain the resilience required, allowing us to uncover and rectify unforeseen failure scenarios before they impact users.


We adopt GitOps as a fundamental approach to manage code-based infrastructure and operational procedures.  It’s an evolution of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and a DevOps best practice that leverages Git as the single source of truth, and control mechanism for creating, updating, and deleting system architecture. In other words, we rely on Git pull requests to validate and automatically deploy system infrastructure modifications. Whenever pull requests are approved and merged, the live infrastructure is automatically reconfigured and synchronized to reflect the repository’s state. This seamless workflow of syncing changes through pull requests lies at the heart of our GitOps philosophy.


Platform Engineering

Platform Engineering from the top

Java e Scala

Java and Scala: The Languages We Use

Java & the World Wide Web: Java 8 and the future of web 3.0 | Part 4


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