Discover our Fortitude Forest

Our Journey towards a Greener, Sustainable Future

When it comes to global environmental issues, we may all feel quite helpless today. However, despite how insignificant we can feel as individuals, there are a few things we can all do to make a difference.

One big choice is tree planting, which has many benefits for the environment and local rural communities. And that is precisely what we have agreed to do along with our holding company Fortitude Group.

As you may already know, 2021 has been a crucial year for the entire Group, with a major rebranding and the creation of our NewCo ProActivity.

To mark the beginning of this new era of development, resilience and sustainability, we’ve agreed to launch our green project in collaboration with Treedom, which calls for the planting of 200 trees around the world to protect the environment and empower local communities.

The Exceptional Benefits of Tree Planting

Trees are the cornerstone of not just whole ecosystems, but also whole societies. Treedom, in collaboration with local NGOs, identifies local farmers who will profit the most from tree planting. As a result, they become tree guardians, caring for them and reaping the benefits they provide. This encourages the use of long-term, sustainable land management strategies – like agroforestry, which brings food security for the farmers and their families.

With the planting of our "Fortitude Forest", we can now contribute to the initiative and start leaving our first green footprints around the world. Just think about the broader environmental benefits of tree planting, such as preventing soil erosion and deforestation, increasing biodiversity, and lowering CO2 levels.
And what if we told you that the trees we planted have the capacity to absorb enough CO2 from the atmosphere to fill 146 trucks?

Coffee trees in Colombia, orange trees in Haiti, cacao trees in Cameroon, guava and markhamia in Kenya: every tree belonging to Fortitude Forest is geolocated and photographed, and has its own landing page with regular updates on the project posted in an online diary.
As a result, everybody on the Team is genuinely invested in the project and has the opportunity to make a difference.

Green and green(er)!

We are honored to be a part of such an incredible journey, which will undoubtedly continue in the coming years. Tree planting is a small action with many, far-reaching benefits: an action that has the potential to improve people’s lives, the environment, and our future too!

Spend some time in nature and take a virtual walk into our Fortitude Forest >

Fortitude Forest

The forest

Where we have planted

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