Intro to HashiCorp Vault

Intro to HashiCorp Vault

A Hands-on Workshop by Bitrock and HashiCorp

On June, 16th 2021 we held our virtual HashiCorp Vault Hands-On Workshop, an important event in collaboration with our partner HashiCorp, during which attendees had the opportunity to get a thorough presentation of the HashiCorp stack before starting a hands-on labs session to learn how to secure sensitive data with Vault.

Do you already know all the secrets of HashiCorp Vault?

HashiCorp Vault is an API-driven, cloud agnostic Secrets Management System, which allows you to safely store and manage sensitive data in hybrid cloud environments. You can also use Vault to generate dynamic short-lived credentials, or encrypt application data on the fly.

Vault was designed to address the security needs of modern applications. It differs from the traditional approach by using:

  • Identity based rules allowing security to stretch across network perimeters
  • Dynamic, short lived credentials that are rotated frequently
  • Individual accounts to maintain provenance (tie action back to entity)
  • Credentials and Entities that can easily be invalidated

Vault can be used in untrusted networks. It can authenticate users and applications against many systems, and it runs in highly available clusters that can be replicated across regions.

Thanks to our experts Gianluca Mascolo (Senior DevOps Engineer at Bitrock) and Luca Bolli (Senior Solution Engineer at HashiCorp) for the overview of the HashiCorp toolset and the unmissable labs session.

If you’d like to learn more about our enterprise offerings or if you want to receive the presentation slides, please reach out to us at

To access the workshop recording, simply click here

We look forward to seeing you at a future Bitrock event!

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