Jenkins World 2018

Jenkins world 2018

Jenkins World 2018

Jenkins World brings together the DevOps community in two locations, providing opportunities to learn, explore, network and help shape the future of DevOps and Jenkins. DevOps World | Jenkins World is designed specifically for IT executives, DevOps practitioners, Jenkins users and partners.

2,500 attendees will attend this year, from all over the globe. They’ll get access to 100+ workshops, training opportunities and sessions covering software automation, DevOps culture, performance measurement, security and more.

Bitrock is present with Matteo Gazzetta, Simone Ripamonti, and Andrea Simonini, members of Bitrock’s DevOps Team. But not only DevOps are attending… Our Backend Developer Simone Esposito is attending too.


Nice, France | Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions Nice Acropolis
October 22-25


Our Team at the Event


Nice, France | Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions Nice Acropolis October 22-25

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