Be a Front-end Developer in Bitrock

We caught up with Marika Fabiani, who has been a member of our Front-end engineering team for almost two years, and asked her to share some insights with us. Let’s take a closer look at her role!

Can you explain your position and skills required to excel?

I’m a Front-end developer, which means I’m responsible for designing and implementing the visual elements of a page, such as the layout, buttons, menus, forms and other features that users will see and interact with. As well as knowledge of the main programming languages and frameworks such as React, Vue and Angular, if you want to play this role you need to have some basic soft skills.

The main ones are: problem solving, creativity and teamwork.

The first two are a must for any developer: during our daily work we often encounter problems that require ad hoc analysis, and you need to face them with creativity and mental flexibility to find the solutions that better suit the situation. The third skill is essential in any job, but especially in team-based jobs like mine.

How is your relationship with colleagues?

I’m a remote worker and I only meet my Front-end team colleagues in virtual meetings. Sometimes I wish I could spend time with them in person, but I know they are always available to help and support me.

I also collaborate with members of other teams who I work closely with on a day-to-day basis; I’m currently working with a colleague from the Back-End team and even though we don’t work together physically, we are in constant contact.

What is the most significant achievement in your career?

My greatest job satisfaction was being able to successfully complete a project for which I was responsible, even though I did not know the library.

What do you like most about your job?

The most exciting part of my job is writing code and seeing my ideas come to life.

What’s your favorite way to relax and unwind after a busy week?

I like walking my dog along a river near my house and going to the mountains in the woods.

What’s your go-to song for boosting productivity?

My favourite song to boost productivity is “A Sky Full Of Stars” by Coldplay.

Who is a source of inspiration or guidance for you?

The person who inspires me the most is my team leader, Daniele Chiarello. He has always been very helpful in finding a way to deal with my difficult moments at work. He embodies the role that I currently see myself playing in my future.

What would you recommend to someone who wants to follow a career path similar to yours?

To pursue a career like mine, curiosity and perseverance are a must; you need to keep up to date with training and initiatives such as bootcamps and workshops. It is also important to be able to compare yourself with more experienced people and not to give up when the going gets tough.

Thanks to Marika Fabiani, Front-end Developer at Bitrock, for this interview.

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