Bitrock Chooses Remote Work

Remote work_2022

During the covid-19 crises, many employees created new habits and a new balance between home and work life, which are no longer consistent with the old understanding of the workplace. 

Though the pandemic may have been the remote work catalyst for many millions of employees around the world, it’s far from being the only reason to work from home. Indeed, the perks of working from home impact many things on a global scale. 

Among the benefits that remote work can bring, there’s a better work-life balance for employees, less commute stress, location independence (with full-remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love), improved inclusivity (remote work enables companies to embrace diversity and inclusion by hiring candidates from different geographic, socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds), and considerable money savings (for both employees and the company). 

Furthermore, remote work has a positive environmental impact (one of the fastest ways for employers and employees to reduce their carbon footprint and affect climate change is by reducing commuter travel), and brings an overall happier, healthier life

Working from home, indeed, has been shown to lower stress: it provides more time for hobbies and interests, and improves personal relationships, among other things.

Bitrock goes remote

Striking figures: almost 85% of the interviewed candidates for developers roles at Bitrock in the first months of 2022 have clearly demanded a full-remote position; the request of their current employers to go back to the office is, according to them, one of the main reasons they’re looking for a new job opportunity.

In this new scenario, what’s Bitrock’s position? The company has decided to make remote work standard practice for Bitrockers. The strategy empowers developers to manage their own time autonomously, emphasizing trust and placing importance on the objectives reached and individual responsibility.

Today, the Bitrock team, which consists of more than 60 employees from all across Italy (plus external collaborators from other European countries) may work remotely with utmost flexibility. Team members can choose to work entirely remotely or alternate between home and office in a remote-friendly manner, depending on their role and needs.

In the last few months, Bitrock has adopted a number of company tools and processes with the goal of ensuring that internal communication, onboarding, and team building activities are all remote-friendly. In this way, Bitrock life may continue and be useful for everyone, both locally and remotely.

The Bitrock operating offices will not be abandoned, but rather reinvented. Indeed, they will become active areas where the opportunity to meet others adds value: they will encourage creative and informal conversations among colleagues, which are the bedrock of all innovation, particularly amongst people with different expertise or from various parts of the business.

As additional support for remote work, the company has also foreseen a concrete economic help for those employees who are not based in Milan or Treviso (where Bitrock operating offices are) that may want – or need – to work from time to time in a local shared office.

“We have always bet everything on our team” says Leo Pillon, CEO at Bitrock “For us, skills, passion, and motivation are essential. That is why we have decided to implement a strategy that answers to the new needs that have evolved over the last two years, demonstrating that remote work is not an impediment to productivity when it is supported by defined objectives and close involvement in the corporate mission.”

To discover Bitrock current Job Openings and all related benefits, including the opportunity to work full-remote, please visit our website or our LinkedIn page!

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