Game Changers in Tech

Game changers in tech

We are pleased to present another episode of our “Game Changers in Tech” series, where we explore the professional journeys and technology challenges faced by our expert colleagues. In this episode, we will have the opportunity to get to know Matteo Gazzetta, Team Lead and DevOps Engineer at Bitrock. 

With a solid background in Computer Science and Engineering and a passion for new technologies, Matteo will share how he has tackled the challenges of his work and how he continues to acquire skills to keep up with the changes in the IT industry.

Can you explain your position and career path? 

My academic experience, including a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and a thesis on cSpark for the dynamic allocation of Big Data resources, laid a solid foundation for my path.

I currently hold the position of Team Lead and DevOps Engineer at Bitrock, where I coordinate DevOps resources and manage projects for our customers. I joined Bitrock as a Scala Developer, working on event-driven microservices projects where I improved my knowledge as a Software Engineer and then moved to the dark side (DevOps Engineer), where I deepened my knowledge of the infrastructure where the applications run and the CI/CD process to get them into production. 

What has been the most challenging technology issue you’ve faced at Bitrock?

My biggest challenge was creating a digital platform from scratch. Starting with no constraints but clear objectives requires advanced technical skills and careful planning, especially for a robust and scalable solution. This project tested all my knowledge on infrastructure, DevOps and CI/CD, Observability, providing valuable experience in the complete development of a tailor-made platform.

I expect an ongoing growth of cloud-native and GitOps technologies, which facilitate infrastructure and configuration management as code. In addition, the integration of Machine Learning into automated pipelines (MLOps) and the focus on security as a native component of the DevOps cycle (DevSecOps) are key trends. These reflect a trend towards advanced automation and better management of security and Machine Learning models. Moreover, AI will be crucial for troubleshooting and support for SRE activities.

I keep up to date through conferences, online courses and technical readings. I also use social media by following certain technical feeds I am interested in. Bitrock supports continuous education with access to specialised resources, such as Udemy and O’Reilly. Internal skill-sharing sessions also help share and learn more about new technologies, promoting continuous learning.

What advice would you give to those who want to keep up to date with AI?

I recommend following the CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) and subscribe to DevOps newsletters and social feeds on X to stay up-to-date on trends. Studying and experimenting with the latest DevOps practices and participating in technical communities is essential to remain competitive in a rapidly changing industry.

From Matteo’s words, a professional profile emerges that is rich in experience and with a marked attitude towards continuous learning. His path, which has taken him from Scala programming to the role of DevOps Engineer, is emblematic of how IT professionals must be prepared to embrace new technologies and skills to face the constantly evolving challenges of our industry. 

This episode offers us a privileged look at the experiences of a true technological “game changer”, inspiring us to follow his example of professional growth and commitment to staying at the forefront of our industry.

Thanks to Matteo Gazzetta, DevOps Engineer  @ Bitrock, for this interview. 

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