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A Comparative Analysis of Open-Source Large Language Models on Hugging Face

Large Language Models

Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), becoming essential tools for applications, such as language translation, text generation and sentiment analysis. Trained using large amounts of text data, these models are remarkably accurate at understanding and generating human-like language. 

As the popularity of LLMs grows, the importance of open-source models and platforms such as Hugging Face has become increasingly apparent. Open-source LLMs democratize access to state-of-the-art NLP models and technologies, enabling researchers, developers, and organizations to collaborate, innovate, and build on existing models. 

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview and comparison of popular open-source LLMs available on the Hugging Face platform, along with their architectures, performance, use cases, and implications for the future of NLP.

Hugging Face and its role in Open-Source LLMs

Hugging Face is a technology company and platform focused on Natural Language Processing (NLP) models, datasets, and tools. Founded in 2016 by Clément Delangue, Julien Chaumond, and Thomas Wolf, Hugging Face has become a popular resource for those working with language models and NLP technologies.

The platform allows users to access, share, and deploy NLP models. It hosts a library of pre-trained models, including well-known ones like BERT, GPT, and RoBERTa. These models are versatile tools, capable of translating languages, generating text, analyzing sentiment, and answering your questions. Hugging Face champions open-source, making NLP resources freely available to the public. Their user-friendly tools, like the Transformers Library, allows developers to load pre-trained models for various tasks, all within a collaborative environment.

Hugging Face ​​fosters a thriving NLP community for collaboration and knowledge sharing. Furthermore, Hugging Face’s open approach (models, tools, community) democratizes NLP, fueling wider adoption and research breakthroughs. However, various platforms and projects contribute to the vast and ever-growing NLP ecosystem. Top LLMs: Open-Sourced on Hugging Face


GPT-Neo is an open-source LLM developed by EleutherAI, a decentralized AI research group. The model is based on the GPT-3 architecture and is trained on a diverse corpus of web pages, books, and articles. While the model itself is open-source, the specific training data used is not publicly released due to intellectual property, privacy, and ethical considerations. GPT-Neo comes in various sizes, ranging from 125 million to 2.7 billion parameters, allowing users to choose the model that best suits their computational resources and performance requirements.

One of the key strengths of GPT-Neo is its ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text. The model can be fine-tuned for various downstream tasks, such as language translation, summarization, and question answering. GPT-Neo has been successfully applied in several real-world applications, including content creation, chatbots, and virtual assistants.


BLOOM (BigScience Large Open-science Open-access Multilingual Language Model) is an open-source LLM developed by a consortium of over 1,000 researchers from various institutions, led by Hugging Face. The model is trained on a massive multilingual dataset, covering 46 natural languages and 13 programming languages. As with other open-source models, the training data itself is not made public to protect the intellectual property and privacy of the original sources. BLOOM’s architecture is based on the decoder-only transformer, similar to GPT-3, and has 176 billion parameters.

One of the unique features of BLOOM is its multilingual capabilities. The model can generate text in multiple languages and seamlessly switch between them, making it a valuable tool for cross-lingual NLP tasks. BLOOM has demonstrated strong performance in language understanding, generation, and translation tasks, and has been applied in various domains, such as healthcare, education, and e-commerce.


OPT (Open Pre-trained Transformer) is an open-source LLM developed by Meta AI (formerly Facebook AI). The model is trained on a large corpus of web pages, books, and articles, and comes in various sizes, ranging from 125 million to 175 billion parameters. Like GPT-Neo and BLOOM, the specific training data used for OPT is not publicly released. OPT’s architecture is based on the decoder-only transformer, similar to GPT-3.

One of the key advantages of OPT is its scalability and efficiency. The model uses a novel training technique called Scaling and Packing Transformers (SPT), which allows for more efficient use of computational resources during training. This enables OPT to achieve competitive performance with fewer parameters compared to other state-of-the-art LLMs.

OPT has been successfully applied in various NLP tasks, such as language generation, question answering, and sentiment analysis. The model’s open-source nature and efficient training techniques make it an attractive choice for researchers and developers looking to build large-scale NLP applications.


DistilGPT is an open-source LLM developed by Hugging Face as part of their model distillation efforts. The model is a distilled version of the original GPT model, aiming to reduce the computational requirements while maintaining competitive performance. DistilGPT has 82 million parameters, making it significantly smaller than its predecessor. As with the other models discussed, the training data for DistilGPT is not publicly available.

The key advantage of DistilGPT is its efficiency. By using knowledge distillation techniques, the model can achieve similar performance to the original GPT while requiring fewer computational resources. This makes DistilGPT an attractive choice for applications with limited resources, such as mobile devices or edge computing scenarios. Despite its smaller size, DistilGPT has demonstrated strong performance in various NLP tasks, such as language generation, text classification, and named entity recognition

Other notable open-source LLMs on Hugging Face

In addition to the models mentioned above, Hugging Face hosts several other notable open-source LLMs, such as GPT-J, XLNet, and ALBERT. These models offer unique architectures, training techniques, and performance characteristics, catering to specific use cases and research interests.

Comparison and Contrast of the Surveyed LLMs

To compare and contrast the surveyed open-source LLMs, we focus on several key aspects:

Model Architectures and Training Data

The selected models represent a diverse range of architectures and training data. GPT-Neo, OPT, and DistilGPT are based on the decoder-only transformer architecture, similar to GPT-3, while BLOOM uses a variant of this architecture. The models are trained on large corpora of web pages, books, and articles, with BLOOM additionally incorporating multilingual data. However, the specific training data used for these models is not publicly released due to intellectual property, privacy, and ethical considerations.

Performance Metrics and Benchmarks

Performance metrics and benchmarks are essential for evaluating and comparing LLMs. The surveyed models have been evaluated on various NLP tasks, such as language generation, question answering, and text classification. While direct comparisons can be challenging due to differences in model sizes and evaluation protocols, all the models have demonstrated strong performance in their respective tasks.

Ease of Use and Deployment

Hugging Face streamlines the process of using and deploying open-source LLMs by providing a unified API and a user-friendly interface. All the surveyed models can be easily accessed, fine-tuned, and deployed using the Transformers library, making them accessible to researchers and developers with varying levels of expertise. In addition, it is possible to use external tools that simplify and accelerate the deployment of models from Hugging Face. The Radicalbit MLOps & AI Observability platform, developed by Bitrock’s sister company Radicalbit, offers a native integration to import AI models from Hugging Face and deploy them into production. To learn more and create a free account, please visit the Radicalbit website.

Community Support and Documentation

One of the key advantages of open-source LLMs on Hugging Face is the strong community support and comprehensive documentation. The platform fosters an active community of researchers, developers, and enthusiasts who contribute to the development, improvement, and application of these models. Detailed documentation, tutorials, and examples are readily available, making it easier for users to get started and harness the full potential of these models.

Unique Features and Advantages of Each Model

Each of the surveyed models has its unique features and advantages. GPT-Neo offers a range of model sizes, allowing users to choose the best fit for their resources and performance requirements. BLOOM stands out with its multilingual capabilities, making it a valuable tool for cross-lingual NLP tasks. OPT showcases efficient training techniques, enabling competitive performance with fewer parameters. DistilGPT demonstrates the potential of knowledge distillation in creating efficient and compact models.

Challenges and Limitations of Open-Source LLMs

Despite the numerous benefits of open-source LLMs, there are several challenges and limitations to consider:

Computational Resources required for Training and Deployment

Training and deploying large-scale LLMs requires significant computational resources, including high-performance hardware and substantial energy consumption. This can pose challenges for researchers and organizations with limited resources, potentially limiting their ability to fully utilize these models.

Data Quality and Biases

The performance and fairness of LLMs heavily depend on the quality and diversity of the training data. Open-source models may inherit biases and limitations present in their training data, leading to potential issues such as gender, racial, or cultural biases in generated text. Addressing these biases and ensuring the models are trained on diverse and representative data is an ongoing challenge.

Ethical Considerations and Responsible AI

As LLMs become more powerful and widely adopted, ethical considerations and responsible AI practices become increasingly important. Open-source models can be misused for generating fake news, propaganda, or offensive content. Ensuring proper use, monitoring, and governance of these models is crucial to mitigate potential risks and promote responsible AI development.

Comparison with Proprietary LLMs

While open-source LLMs have made significant strides in terms of performance and accessibility, they still face competition from proprietary models developed by large technology companies. These proprietary models often have access to larger training datasets, more advanced hardware, and greater financial resources, potentially giving them an edge in certain applications.

One notable example is Meta’s LLAMA (Large Language Model Meta AI), which has garnered significant attention in the AI community due to its impressive performance and capabilities. However, unlike the models featured in this article, LLAMA is not entirely open-source. Meta has released the model weights and code to selected researchers and organizations, but the full model and training data are not publicly available. This limited release approach allows Meta to maintain control over the model’s use and distribution while still fostering collaboration with the research community.

The case of LLAMA highlights the ongoing debate around the balance between open-source initiatives and the protection of intellectual property in the AI industry. While proprietary models like LLAMA can drive innovation and push the boundaries of what is possible with language technologies, they may not have the same level of transparency, accessibility, and community-driven development as fully open-source models.

Despite these challenges, the collaborative nature and transparency of open-source models offer unique advantages in terms of research, innovation, and democratization of AI. As the field of NLP continues to evolve, it is likely that both open-source and proprietary models will play important roles in advancing the state of the art and driving real-world applications.

Emerging Architectures and Training Techniques

The field of NLP is rapidly evolving, with new architectures and training techniques constantly emerging. Future open-source LLMs may incorporate innovations such as transformers with dynamic attention, sparse models, and more efficient training methods. These advancements aim to improve performance, scalability, and efficiency, making LLMs more accessible and applicable to a wider range of tasks.

Potential for Collaboration and Standardization

The open-source nature of LLMs on Hugging Face facilitates collaboration and standardization across the AI community. As more researchers and organizations contribute to the development and improvement of these models, there is potential for greater interoperability, shared benchmarks, and unified evaluation protocols. This collaborative approach can accelerate the pace of innovation and ensure that open-source LLMs remain competitive with their proprietary counterparts.

Implications for Democratizing AI Access

Open-source LLMs play a crucial role in democratizing access to state-of-the-art NLP technologies. By making these models freely available and easy to use, Hugging Face enables researchers, developers, and organizations from diverse backgrounds to leverage the power of LLMs for their specific applications. This democratization of AI access fosters innovation, promotes inclusivity, and encourages the development of novel solutions to real-world problems.


We have explored the architectures, performance, use cases, and unique features of GPT-Neo, BLOOM, OPT, and DistilGPT, showcasing their strengths and potential applications. The open-source nature of these models, coupled with the user-friendly interface and strong community support of Hugging Face, makes them valuable tools for researchers, developers, and organizations working in the field of NLP.

Open-source LLMs and platforms like Hugging Face play a vital role in advancing AI research and applications. By democratizing access to state-of-the-art models, fostering collaboration, and promoting transparency, these initiatives accelerate the pace of innovation and ensure that the benefits of AI are widely distributed. As the field of NLP continues to evolve, open-source LLMs will remain essential drivers of progress, enabling researchers and developers to push the boundaries of what is possible with language technologies.

When choosing an open-source LLM for a specific use case, it is essential to consider factors such as model size, performance, efficiency, and unique features. For applications with limited computational resources, models like DistilGPT may be more suitable due to their efficiency and smaller size. For tasks requiring multilingual capabilities, BLOOM stands out as a valuable choice. Ultimately, the selection of the most suitable model depends on the specific requirements, constraints, and goals of the project at hand.

The success and impact of open-source LLMs on Hugging Face rely on the active participation and contribution of the AI community. Researchers, developers, and organizations are encouraged to explore these models, provide feedback, and contribute to their development and improvement. By engaging with the open-source ecosystem, the community can collectively advance the state of NLP and harness the full potential of language technologies for the benefit of society.

In conclusion, open-source LLMs on Hugging Face represent a powerful and transformative force in the field of AI. Through collaboration, transparency, and democratization of access, these models and platforms are reshaping the landscape of NLP research and applications. As we look to the future, it is clear that open-source initiatives will continue to play a pivotal role in driving innovation, fostering inclusivity, and unlocking the vast potential of language technologies.

Main Author: Aditya Mohanty, Data Scientist @ Bitrock

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