The perfect combination between your daily workflow and data property.
Bitrock Reactive Corporate Chat is designed to provide a fully customizable and adaptable multifunctional chat solution that allows enterprises to maintain full property and control of their own data.
What are its main functionalities?
Bitrock Reactive Corporate Chat has the all the standard funcionalities of chat designed to operate at a professional level:

- One to one Chat
- Topic Chat
- Secret Chat with self-destructing messages
- VOIP & Video Call
- File sharing
- Message editing and deletion
- “Last seen” as you want it
- No embarrassing photos
- Locked chat
- In app pin code
- Tailorable Contact List
- Snooze during weekends/vacations
Who’s it for?
- For those companies who do not want make their data reside in third-party infrastructure (ie: avoid that your data are used for marketing purposes or sold to third parties or competitors)
- For those companies who need a professional tool for business collaboration (ie: avoid mixing personal with working communications, and eventually limit the periods of usage of the chat to working days)
- For those companies who want to integrate a new tool with their own company’s workflow tools (ie: receive real-time notifications about the progress status of a project within the project management group, or discover details and info about a workflow practice directly in the app)
What’s inside?
iOS and Android app
Pluggable and event-driven architecture
Kubernetes ready, so capable to work perfectly both in on premise and cloud environments
What’s next?
- Web Client in development
- Supervised Machine Learning in development (through iterative cycles of questions and answers, the knowledge base becomes more autonomous in interacting with users)
- NPL & ML in development (using domain knowledge and natural language comprehension to analyze and understand user intentions and respond in the most useful way)
- Analytics Tool in development, in order to activate several actions of intelligence (ie: sentiment analysis, productivity monitoring, …)
- Full Chatbot interaction