An Interview on Green IT

Green IT

The IT world is constantly expanding, and with it comes a growing demand for energy. This increasing energy consumption has led to a rise in greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, Green IT, a set of practices that promote environmentally sustainable computing, is becoming an increasingly important topic. 

In this interview article, we will explore the concept of Green IT, its challenges and opportunities. Together with Marco Veronese, COO at Bitrock, we will look at Green IT and try to understand its main challenges and objectives, as well as how companies like Bitrock are helping organizations adopt sustainable IT practices.

What exactly is Green IT and why do we hear so much about it in the media these days?

Before giving a definition of Green IT, I would like to start with a premise to explain why these issues are so prevalent in communications today. The world of IT continues to permeate every aspect of our lives; just think of how much time we spend on our mobile phones or on applications of all kinds throughout the day, whether for work or pleasure. The continued growth in IT use is matched by an increase in computing power in data centers, cloud computing, electronic devices and digital services. As all of this is powered by electricity, our habits are increasing energy demand and consequently greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

Recent studies show that ICT energy demand is now between 5 and 9 percent of total global demand. And the projections are worrying: 20 percent by 2030, and there are even those who claim that by 2050, computer data centers (i.e. data centers and clouds) alone will consume up to 1,000 times more energy than today.

As awareness of environmental issues has grown, so has the focus on the energy consumed by IT.  This is where the concept of Green IT comes in. We can think of Green IT as the set of practices that create and use computing resources in an environmentally sustainable way. Another way to think of Green IT is as the discipline that enables us to create a sustainable future in which ICT technologies are used in a responsible, efficient and environmentally sustainable way.

A final concept I would like to mention in this context is the Green Coding: we can think of this as a very important part of Green IT, as it is the practice of designing and writing code in a way that minimizes environmental impact.

It will certainly not be an easy game: on the one hand, the opportunities offered by Artificial Intelligence will push companies to use it more and more in their production processes: and this will obviously require major investments to adapt their ICT infrastructure.

On the other hand, companies will have to solve the problem of energy supply, which will become more and more important: renewable energies alone will not be sufficient and, by their very nature, do not guarantee the quantity and stability of the flow needed to power ever larger data centers.

In other words, the energy issue is not just a business issue: it is a national issue.

Consider that neighboring France is embarking on a programme to build 14 new nuclear power stations precisely to meet the growing demand resulting, among other things, from the use of Artificial Intelligence.

So the question is, what can companies do? Renew themselves, rethink their IT to make it responsible, efficient and environmentally sustainable. This is precisely the mandate of Green IT, which is to rethink all ICT so that computing resources become environmentally sustainable.

HW infrastructures will have to be overhauled with solutions that consume as little power as possible, and the applications that insist on them will have to be redesigned to make the most efficient use of that hardware, potentially reducing resource waste to zero. We will see the emergence of new architectures that meet the need for resilience, elasticity and responsiveness while being extremely efficient in their use of resources. We are also likely to see the emergence of new languages that can optimize power consumption even further. But all of this will also give companies the opportunity to redesign and modernize the way they interact with the end user, providing their customers with completely new applications: and this will be all the more evident the older the source applications are. So, in addition to creating more sustainable IT, this process, if managed well, can lead to more loyal customers.

What is Bitrock’s approach in this field, and how does it address the challenge of companies adopting green practices in technology?

At Bitrock, we are committed to becoming a benchmark in the IT community for Green Computing. This is because we believe that in the context of the climate change that is now evident, everyone needs to do their part. And it’s not just the management at Bitrock who think this way, it’s a widespread feeling throughout the team. So not only will our applications be green, but we will also help companies achieve their sustainability goals.

To do this effectively, we have defined our own framework derived from our knowledge of technology and sustainability. This framework consists of three distinct stages:

  • Assessment
  • Action
  • Maintenance

Assessment is the preliminary stage; it aims to measure the carbon emissions of the system being analyzed. “System” means an application, a set of applications or a part of the information system that is the subject of interest. Once the system has been defined, the analysis of its components is carried out.

Consumption is measured through the use of probes (agents), i.e. code that is inserted into the neuralgic parts of the system and that has the sole purpose of collecting data in order to define its consumption. The result of this phase is a console that measures the consumption of the system in real time.

Actionables is the phase in which Bitrock intervenes in the code to adjust the footprint to the goals set by the company. To identify actionable areas, Bitrock engineers rely on “sustainability practices”, a set of methodologies and strategies designed to reduce the environmental impact of software throughout its lifecycle. Examples include code optimisation and resource management.

Finally, maintenance is the phase that defines the set of processes and procedures that will be used to monitor the footprint and adjust it over time to meet the goals set by the organization. Deliverables in this phase can be either a set of procedures that instruct the company how to monitor and intervene in the event of a deviation from its footprint, or ongoing support for all the figures needed to accompany the company on its transformation path towards sustainability.


Green IT offers a path to a sustainable future for technology. By adopting Green IT practices, organizations can not only reduce their environmental impact, but also potentially improve efficiency and customer loyalty.

Frameworks such as Bitrock’s, which focus on measuring, optimizing and maintaining a system’s environmental footprint, can enable organizations to begin this transformation. As we move forward, Green IT will play a critical role in ensuring that technological advances are achieved in an environmentally responsible manner.

Are you curious about how Green IT can help your business and how Artificial Intelligence can be eco-friendly? Listen to our latest Bitrock Tech Radio podcast episode which explores these topics in detail or get in contact with one of our experienced engineers and consultants.

Main Author: Marco Veronese, Chief Operating Officer @ Bitrock

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